dc.creatorQueiroz, Jamerson Viegas
dc.creatorHékis, Hélio Roberto
dc.creatorDutra, Lelayne de Araújo
dc.creatorAzevedo, Luíze Fernandes de
dc.creatorMedeiros, Maria Luiza Azevedo de
dc.identifierQUEIROZ, J. V.; HÉKIS, H. R.; DUTRA, L. A.; AZEVEDO, L. F.; MEDEIROS, M. L. A.. Utilização da matriz importância-desempenho na análise estratégica: estudo em empresas de transportes urbanos. REBRAE. Revista Brasileira de Estratégia (Impresso), v. 5, p. 11-22, 2012. Disponível em: https://periodicos.pucpr.br/index.php/REBRAE/article/view/13721. Acesso em: 31 ago. 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.7213/rebrae.6067
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to analyze strategically how the urban transportation in the city of Natal, RN, is present, through the identification of key competitive criteria to be adopted by this sector, and study how organizations behave with them. Was used as a theoretical tool the importance-performance matrix, interpreting their values in order to assess business performance compared to the importance attached by customers. The methodology used was based on an applied research, from a multicase study exploratory qualitative. Data collection was conducted through structured interviews, site visits in the companies of study and related organs, as well as questionnaires to customers. The analysis of these data was qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on this diagnosis and the use of importance-performance matrix tool of Slack et al. (1996), was obtained as a result the strategic differences between the companies studied, thus inferring that the focus on quality, permeate the operations of an organization, can put it in a prominent position in the market
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectSetor de transportes
dc.subjectCritérios competitivos
dc.subjectMatriz importância-desempenho
dc.titleUtilização da matriz importância-desempenho na análise estratégica: estudo em empresas de transportes urbanos

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