Fotógrafos do interior: uma reportagem multimídia sobre os 50 anos de trajetória dos Mouras
2020-12-08Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Anderson Moura de. Fotógrafos do interior: uma reportagem multimídia sobre os 50 anos de trajetória dos Mouras. 2020. 53f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Jornalismo) – Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Oliveira, Anderson Moura de
This work focuses on the studies of multimedia and how this tool reconfigured the way of doing journalism on the Web. The use of increasingly advanced textual and audiovisual resources, raised the level of journalistic production in the construction of great multimedia reports. To endorse this scientific path, great communication theorists were present to support and list the ideas highlighted here, the main ones being: João Canavilhas, Raquel Longhi, Henry Jenkis, Ramón Salaverría and Alejandro Rost. As a product of experimentation, a great multimedia report was produced that tells the story of 50 years of trajectory of a couple of photographers in the country of Rio Grande do Norte. In addition to exploring the brilliant history of this couple, the narrative also aims to introduce the user to the importance of the photography of the Mouras for the construction of the social memory of the country where they live. The report is available at: Within the methodological process, bibliographic and documentary research was used, the open interview with the characters of the report and structuring and construction of the multimedia report using the Wix online platform.