Coordenação estatal e desenvolvimento econômico chinês: um estudo sobre a State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Comission of the State Council (SASAC)
2022-06-18Registro en:
DUTRA, Thiago Leite Viana. Coordenação estatal e desenvolvimento econômico chinês: um estudo sobre a State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Comission of the State Council (SASAC). Orientador: Mariana Mazzini Marcondes. 2022. 40f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Administração) - Departamento de Ciências Administrativas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Dutra, Thiago Leite Viana
Forms of state coordination that make it central to economic development generate great theoretical and political debate. This includes a broad set of perspectives; like liberal approaches, which reject state action, with the exception of minimal and subsidiary interventions. It also covers Keynesian, developmental and socialist approaches, which defend state action in different ways. New forms of state action are presented in practice, historically, and these phenomena are the target of continuous investigations by the academy. In this sense, the present study seeks to explore the relationship of States in the coordination of development, based on the analysis of the Chinese experience. Specifically, it seeks to investigate, in an exploratory and descriptive way, the StateOwned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), based mainly on conceptual categories proposed by Evans (1993). The qualitative analysis was based on data from documents from Chinese state institutions and secondary data, mainly from Chen (2017) and Lin et al. (2020). In summary, SASAC's capacity as a state institution that manages and values central state-owned enterprises in China was verified. The results showed that, in this way, China presents similar characteristics to the autonomy embedded pattern, identified by Evans (1993) in developmental models such as South Korea and Taiwan. Examples are the search to develop a competitive market, with great activity of state-owned companies in this process. However, it also has differences, such as the Chinese state's search to use its state-owned companies to compete with private activity in the market. This leads to the growth of the influence of the State, something that doesn’t occur in the experiences of embedded autonomy after the maturation of their economies.
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