Aya Saito, Uma mulher japonesa: um estudo de caso a partir dos episódios da série Tokyo Girl
2021-04-28Registro en:
ROSA, Eliza Hikary Nunes Chaves de Assis. Uma mulher japonesa: um estudo de caso a partir de episódios de Tokyo Girl. 2021. 51f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Jornalismo) - Departamento de Comunicação Social, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Rosa, Eliza Hikary Nunes Chaves de Assis
This research analyzes the construction of the current Japanese cisgender woman in the 2018 Tokyo Girl (dorama) series (東京 女子 図 鑑), originally produced by the Amazon Prime streaming platform, with eleven episodes, inserting her in the set of Brazilian academic studies still incipient on the relationship between representation of aspects of Japanese culture in the audiovisual “scene”. The study aims to develop a case study about the way that Japanese women are represented in Tokyo Girl, choosing as research object the trajectory of the character Aya Saito, based on two episodes of the series: the first, entitled “Prologue: A girl from Akita” (33 minutes), in which Aya is 23 years old, and the last, “Can a greedy woman complete the game?” (23 minutes), during her forties. The choices are justified by the fact that changes in the protagonist's perspectives are observed, which take a look at the understanding of the modus operandi of Japanese society and Japanese feminism.
Keywords: Tokyo Girl; japanese woman; japanese media representation.