Os desafios dos gestores na administração pública contemporânea: estudo de caso na Pró-reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas
2015-06-09Registro en:
CRUZ JÚNIOR, Evilazio Xavier. Os desafios dos gestores na administração pública contemporânea: estudo de caso na Pró-reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas. 2015. 88f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão de Processos Institucionais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Cruz Júnior, Evilazio Xavier
This work came from the intention to identify the professional profile of people working in
positions of trust in the Pró-reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas (PROGESP) of the Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), as well as to know the relationships at working
process between the managers and their staff. The choice of this theme is due to the attempt to
understand the work process and the manager-staff relationship. This is relevant in the sense
that this work can contribute to the public officials discussion and their staff, aiming to
establish guidelines for the strengthening of interpersonal relationships and the improvement
of the performance of the public manager based on his/her staff point of view. The main
objective is to analyze the performance of these managers, focusing on: describe the training
process of the PROGESP managers; identify the essential skills for the selection of these civil
servants to the exercise of positions of trust; search for an indicator to evaluate the
performance of the managers; diagnose the self-perception of the managers and the perception
of the staff about the manager's performance. With this in mind, the next steps were: a) a
literature review to identify the distribution of positions of trust in the PROGESP; and, b) a
field research from a questionnaire to be applied to the managers and their staff, trying to
collect questions related to the profile of participants; training and continuous training; the
autonomy to make decisions; the planning of activities; the motivation of civil servants; the
essential skills to select civil servants for management positions; evaluating the performance
of managers and the challenges of public managers in contemporary public administration. To
the basis of that study, in the theoretical framework are detailed: the constitutional principles
of public administration; the legal rules that structured the current governing system;
administrative powers: bound and discretionary and the controls of the Public Administration:
internal and external. A case study was conducted in PROGESP and the results show
weaknesses, which were detailed in the conclusion of this work, and which refer to the:
attention of the Public Administrator to the constitutional principles that guide its
administrative actions; training and updating for the exercise of management functions;
autonomy for decision-making; the motivation to develop everyday tasks and the evaluation
and monitoring of the performance of managers. With this study, we aim contribute to the
improving the managers and their staff performances, trying to achieve the efficiency and
quality that people expect in the providing of the public service offered by PROGESP/UFRN.