dc.contributorPereira, João Dantas
dc.contributorOliveira, Iris Maria de
dc.contributorPereira, Izete Soares da Silva Dantas
dc.creatorMilitão, Raquel Maira dos Santos Alves
dc.identifierMILITÃO, Raquel Maira dos Santos Alves. O sistema de garantia dos direitos da criança e do adolescente: análise da trajetória e do processo de resolubilidade dos casos de violência doméstica sexual em Recife PE (2007-2011). 2013. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social, Formação Profissional, Trabalho e Proteção Social; Serviço Social, Cultura e Relaçõe) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThis work discourses about the child and adolescent s Guaranty System of Rights (GSR), on the intervention in cases of juvenile domestic sexual violence, in Recife. The course (trajectory) is analyzed, where circulate cases of sexual violence, until its resolution, in (GSR). Actually, the violence represents a serious problem of public health. Was thought about the difficulties and the limits that make GSR become a full field of contradictions and challenges for the effectiveness of the children and adolescents rights. Therefore, it was verified the treatments that are developed by GSR, how this system is structured and articulated and how occurs the resolution of the sexual violence cases against children and adolescents. Proceedings of the quantitative and qualitative research were used, was done observation, directed interview and analysis of documents. Thus, the field research was the visits in these institutions: Restauração Hospital, Police Management of the Child and Adolescent (PMCA) three Guardianship Councils, Dom Helder Camara Center of Studies and Social Action (CENDHEC) and the Tribunal of Childhood and Adolescence. The research subjects were seven professionals of GSR. The theoretical discussion is guided in reflections about the children and youth rights, in the violence theme and in the construction and institutionalization process of GSR. In this experiment, was noticed there are many difficulties for working together the GSR, because many obstacles are found when we call the responsible institutions, besides some violence cases happen again. This system is not totally institutionalized and articulated, faces structural problems, material, poorly qualified professionals, underinvestment, low transfer of public resources, among other difficulties, causing many losses in the implementation of public policies that enforce secured rights by legislation
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social
dc.publisherServiço Social, Formação Profissional, Trabalho e Proteção Social; Serviço Social, Cultura e Relaçõe
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCrianças e adolescentes. Sistema de garantia de direitos. Violência sexual
dc.subjectChildren and adolescents. Guarantee system of rights. Sexual violence
dc.titleO sistema de garantia dos direitos da criança e do adolescente: análise da trajetória e do processo de resolubilidade dos casos de violência doméstica sexual em Recife PE (2007-2011)

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