Modelos para análise e dimensionamento de painéis de alvenaria estrutural
2012-02-28Registro en:
DAMASCENO, Júlio César Cavalcante. Modelos para análise e dimensionamento de painéis de
alvenaria estrutural. 2012. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em MECÂNICA DAS ESTRUTURAS, ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO E ALVENARIA E MATERIAIS E PROCESSOS CONSTRUTIVOS) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2012.
Damasceno, Júlio César Cavalcante
The main objective of this thesis was the study of bracing panels of structural
masonry, by applying the Finite Element Method and Strut and Tie Method. It was
analyzed the following aspects: the effect of orthotropy on the behavior of the panels;
distribution of horizontal forces between panels for buildings; comparison between
Equivalent Frame and Finite Elements models; panels design with the Strut and Tie
The results showed that one should not disregard the orthotropy, otherwise
this can lead to models stiffer than the real. Regarding the distribution of horizontal
forces, showed that the disregard of lintels and shear deformation leads to significant
differences in the simplified model. The results showed also that the models in Finite
Element and Equivalent Frame exhibit similar behavior in respect to stiffness of
panels and stress distribution over the sessions requested.
It was discussing criteria for designing Strut and Tie Method models in one
floor panels. Then, the theoretical strength these panels was compared with the
rupture strength of panels tested in the literature. The theoretical maximum strength
were always less than the rupture strength of the panels obtained in tests, due to the
fact that the proposed model cannot represent the behavior of the masonry after the
start of the panel cracking due to plasticization of the reinforcement