Entropia de Shannon e propriedades topológicas de redes funcionais do cérebro humano sob efeito de Ayahuasca
2015-09-18Registro en:
BARBOSA, Aline Amabile Viol. Entropia de Shannon e propriedades topológicas de redes funcionais do cérebro humano sob efeito de Ayahuasca. 2015. 80f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Barbosa, Aline Amabile Viol
An important problem in nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics relates to the
quantitative description of the behavior of complex systems. The human brain is one such
system. Methods and concepts used in physics have contributed to the development of diverse
fields, including neuroscience. In this thesis, we investigate the behavior of the human brain
in altered states of consciousness. We study the functional maps of the brain generated by
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), using the tools of statistical physics and the
theory of complex networks. We analyze resting state fMRI data of the brains of 9 human
subjects under two distinct conditions: under normal waking state and in an altered state
of consciousness, induced by ingestion of the psychoactive infusion known as Ayahuasca, of
Amazonian indigenous origin. Our study was broadly motivated by two questions: Does
Ayahuasca affect the functional brain networks? How can we quantify these effects? We
initially constructed complex network models of the brain using the fMRI data, before and
after ingestion of Ayahuasca. We next analyzed the statistical and topological properties of
these networks. Comparing the networks generated from the data before and after Ayahuasca
ingestion, we find some significant changes which we highlight: an increase in the Shannon
entropy, a increase in the mean geodesic distance and changes in network efficiencies. The
increase in mean distance indicates a global expansion of the brain networks. This suggests
a decrease in global integration of brain regions. Moreover, the increase in the entropy of the
degree distribution suggests an increase in the range of possibilities of functional patterns.
The change in the network efficiencies goes beyond what can be accounted for by the changes
in degree distribution. We discuss and present potential interpretations of our results in the
context of neuroscience.