Effects of attentional focus on improving upper limb motor performance on post-stroke patients
2019-12-12Registro en:
GOMES, Camila Lobo de Aguiar. Effects of attentional focus on improving upper limb motor performance on post-stroke patients. 2019. 57f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Reabilitação) - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Gomes, Camila Lobo de Aguiar
Background: Rehabilitation is an important process in the recovery of upper limb
motor function after stroke. In addition, studies show that therapist verbal instruction
during treatment is an effective strategy in this process. One way for the therapist to
facilitate the command to be given to the learner is to use verbal cues for guidance.
They are called focus of attention: internal focus - IF (own body) and external focus -
EF (consequence of movement in the environment). For this, it is necessary to evaluate
the reach and grasp movements of these individuals, this analysis can be performed
using conventional clinical instruments or by high cost kinematic analysis devices.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of attention focus types on upper extremity motor
performance after stroke by means of a kinematic assessment instrument developed by
the authors (Temporal Data Acquisition Instrument (TDAI) as a low cost alternative and
simple application. Methods: This study recruited twelve subjects, randomly assigned
on two groups by simple draw, where they were asked to perform two motor tasks with
the affected limb (16 repetitions), using verbal commands directed by a trained
therapist. In the first phase, group 1 received commands with internal focus, while
group 2 was instructed with commands with external focus. After one week, the
command type changed between groups. To obtain the variables (time of movement,
average speed and number of speed peaks), a device developed by the authors
(Temporal Data Acquisition Instrument - TDAI) and free kinematic software - CVMob
version 4.0 were used. Results: Both attentional focus (internal and external focus)
promoted significant differences in time and speed of movement, however, only internal
focus provided significant results in both tasks. Discussion: The benefits of one focus
of attention over another are not fully confirmed. However, not receiving any kind of
attention guidance induces the patient to adopt their own strategies, compromising
motor performance. It is pertinent that during the rehabilitation the therapist is aware of
the importance of choosing the verbal commands that will be oriented to the patients.
Conclusion: Both focuses provided similar motor enhancements and the results support
the hypothesis that the benefits of external focus are enhanced when preceded by
internal focus.