As fanfictions e o seu potencial para aproximar os jovens da leitura
2018-07-05Registro en:
CAMILO, Caroline Marcelino. As fanfictions e o seu potencial para aproximar os jovens da leitura. 2018. 35 f. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Pedagogia, Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Camilo, Caroline Marcelino
This study aims to present fanfiction and its potential to bring young people closer to reading. It presents the concept of fanfictions, its origin, its categories, discusses its potential for the reading formation between young people. For the accomplishment of this study of quanti-qualitative nature were selected as subjects 11 readers of fanfiction, in the age group of 18 to 29 years, who are also united by the dance and that are part of the group Ex-4 of korean pop and live in Natal -RN, Brazil. An intervention was performed comprising a reading session aloud of a fanfiction in order to subsidize the construction of data. A questionnaire composed of 6 closed questions and 3 open questions was used as instrument of data collection, which related to personal information and contact with fanfictions. Compose the theoretical references studies of Amarilha (2010), Freire (1990), Alves (2014), Pereira (2012). The results reveal that the contact of the young people with the fanfictions favors the knowledge about several areas, the self-reflection and approach to other textual genres and titles, is a source of inspiration for the production of artistic works. We conclude that, through the results achieved, the fanfictions have brought the young people closer to reading and expanded the possibilities of reading formation of fictional genres.