A influência da posse de bola no desempenho das Seleções na Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014
2017-06-30Registro en:
GOMES, Rafael Chaves da Nóbrega. A influência da posse de bola no desempenho das Seleções na Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014. 2017. 27f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Educação Física), Departamento de Educação Física. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal, RN. 2017.
Gomes, Rafael Chaves da Nóbrega
This study aimed to identify if factors such as possession of a ball influenced our results of the matches and without overall performance of the World Cup Selections in 2014. For this, we analyzed 64 matches of the competition held in Brazil. Our procedures of analysis and data collection were used descriptive analysis, presenting absolute values, mean and relative percentages. Being, the data, stored and organized in an Excel worksheet. The results, on average, showed that as better ranked teams, they had better ball possession averages, moreover, unproved than a greater number of goals in sequences of up to four touches than in sequences above four touches. The amount of equipment that won with greater possession of ball was superior of the amount of equipment that won with less possession. However, a number of ranked teams that won with the greatest possession fell from 29 to 22 in games that happened, already as teams that won with less possession in their games, are teams classified for the next phase. In addition, it has been proven, on average, that as teams having a greater possession of the ball, they had a higher goal average per game and that even as teams that played the same amount of times, a number of goals scored higher and goals conceded Lower. In addition, the efficiency of the teams in translations was analyzed as opportunities that they had in goals, being more efficient Colombia. On the other hand, it is not successful for a team, but a ball position has not been determined as equipment advance as subsequent stages.