Portais de transparência como ferramenta do controle social: uma análise da satisfação de conselheiros municipais do estado do Rio Grande do Norte
2021-09-09Registro en:
SILVA NETO, Otávio Serafim da. Portais de transparência como ferramenta do controle social: uma análise da satisfação de conselheiros municipais do estado do Rio Grande do Norte. 2021. 51f. Monografia (Graduação em Administração Pública) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Silva Neto, Otávio Serafim da
This study aims to analyze the satisfaction of municipal councilors in the State of Rio Grande do Norte regarding the use of public transparency portals as a tool for social control. This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data collection techniques were performed through document research and online questionnaire, collected through Google forms. The questionnaire sample was non-probabilistic for convenience and 49 responses from 22 municipalities were obtained. Public transparency becomes essential in the process of controlling public spending, ensuring an action aimed at reaching social problems present in the context of public administration. Popular participation gives rise to social control. The research proposes to map the level of transparency of the analyzed municipal governments, raise the level of use of the portals, assess the level of satisfaction of the councilors and compare them. The results demonstrate that most portals in the Potiguares municipalities are not adequate, despite the counselors recognizing their importance, despite the fact that the culture of consulting such portals is still insufficient.