dc.contributorGalvão, Edney Rafael Viana Pinheiro
dc.creatorFerreira, Francisco Thoiamy Cavalcante
dc.identifierFerreira, Francisco Thoiamy Cavalcante. Análise da injeção alternada de água e gás (WAG) com escalonamento das vazões. 2017. 63 f. TCC (graduação) - Curso de Engenharia de Petróleo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasil, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe search for efficient and economical alternatives is always a major line of petroleum engineering research. With this purpose the present work analyzed the enhanced recovery method alternating the injection of water and gas, WAG, into a reservoir with characteristics similar to order to boost recovery rates and thus improve the yield of the reserve. Taking into account the major obstacles in the production of this field, such as location and CO2 production, along with oil, SILVEIRA (2016) Made an analysis in search of the best forms of alternating injection of water and gas (CO2) WAG making changes in the cycles of injections and flows, always keeping their values constant from the beginning to the end of production. From the results found in their analyzes, the work sought, through a numerical study, other possibilities of WAG ingestion, trying to maintain or increase recovery rates, however, by decreasing water and gas flows for cycles of one, two, four, five and ten years, reducing volumes injected at rates of five and ten percen. The software used was GEM of CMG (Computer modelling group LTD) for simulations. As a result, we observed that some cases, even with reduced fluid injections, maintain a good recovery factor, minimizing the problems caused by the water produced
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEngenharia de Petróleo
dc.subjectReservatório, Simulação numérica, injeção alternada de água e gás WAG, escalonamento das vazões de injeção
dc.subjectReservoir, numerical simulation, alternating injection of water and gas WAG, Injection flow variation
dc.titleAnálise da injeção alternada de água e gás (WAG) com escalonamento das vazões

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