No chão quilombola os rebentos narram suas percepções acerca da escola de infância da comunidade Cajueiro I em Alcântara/MA
2016-07-29Registro en:
CARVALHO, Herli de Sousa. No chão quilombola os rebentos narram suas percepções acerca da escola de infância da comunidade Cajueiro I em Alcântara/MA. 2016. 248f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Carvalho, Herli de Sousa
We approach, from the title “No chão quilombola os rebentos narram suas percepções acerca da escola de infância da Comunidade Cajueiro I em Alcântara - Maranhão”, we aim to understand the perceptions about the school attributed by quilombolas children, considering that we start from the problematic arising for centuries of slavery the black population and the denial, during decades, of educational training for these children subjects of rights. As an organization method, we analyzed the relationship with the identity consciousness as African descendants that we are, to account the object that passes through the school central discussion that we have, in the quilombolas children perception representing it as a "learner place" of recognition of belonging the African matrix roots, resignified in educational school culture practice. We present part of conceptual and theoretical framework amanated of references of Research (Auto) Biographical in Education, as well as studies based on research with children. We approach how to process the battle for education rights achievements of the marginalized black population in various diasporas in Brazil, in this case with a vision to Quilomba Education (School) in the Cajueiro I Community in the municipality of Alcântara / MA, as well as public policies designed to promote affirmative action to black people, and, we approach the Quilomba Education and Quilomba School Education contemplating the singularities in representing children's narratives in the relations of children with educational pairs. We bring the methodological paths pointing to data collected by an ethnographic research, which made use of observation instruments participant in the Cajueiro I Community and Quilombola School, being recorded in the researcher's field diary. The subjects are children aged from 7 to 12 years old, which we use data from an open questionnaire; the use of children's narratives in two conversation circles where attended dialoguing with little alien called Alien, as a provocation instrument for narratives about public elementary school education; and, lastly, a textual production with children about quilombola school. Therefore, this research seeks to understand the views of children and considers them as knowledge producers. Is worth clarifying that of the texts excerpts extracted that correspond to the object of study in order to give visibility to children’s words about school perceptions. To treat the results, we present the children's narratives organizing quilombola school in functionalist perspectives, structuralist, and interactionist, as Barroso (2008) and deal with each of them and its consequences, namely: functionalist instituted as the purposes and norms, structuralist considering the structure and pedagogical organization of the school, and interactional highlighted the relationships with others, with the space and with knowledge. We conclude that school children students in the Cajueiro I Community have knowledge characteristic of the group belonging, narrate about themselves and their experiences that permeate the school culture unveiled in quilombola school and found that these children prioritize the relationships and games between their pairs as part of the quilombola school culture.