Uma análise espacial da população de ingressantes nos cursos de graduação da UFRN em 2016, por município do Rio Grande do Norte
2017-12-08Registro en:
SANTOS, Ythalo Hugo da Silva. Uma análise espacial da população de ingressantes nos cursos de graduação da UFRN em 2016, por município do Rio Grande do Norte. 2017. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Departamento de Estatística, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Santos, Ythalo Hugo da Silva
The present study aims to perform a spatial analysis, by municipality, of the enrolled and entering students in undergraduate courses at UFRN in 2016.1 and 2016.2. This analysis involves the study of socioeconomic variables, non-ENEM performance, avoidance rate, enrollment rate and university enrollment rate. An exploratory analysis of the data was carried out in order to discover possible trends, relationships and patterns associated with the studied variables. Then, they were established and tested as suggested hypotheses based on the information obtained from the exploratory data analysis. For the hypothesis test we calculated indexes that best demonstrate as theories about an observed spatial distribution: Global Moran Index, Local and Scatter Graphs. Six variables were spatially autocorrelated: Writing Performance, Ingression Rate in Relation to Population, Registration Rate in Relation to Population, Percentage of Ingressants Over 25 Years, Percentage of Ingressors in Public Schools and Percentage of Mothers with Up to Teaching Fundamental Complete.