Análise de decisão multicritério: modelo para identificação da viabilidade operacional das unidades de criminalística da Polícia Federal no Brasil
2021-03-02Registro en:
RODRIGUES, Flávio Leite. Análise de decisão multicritério: modelo para identificação da viabilidade operacional das unidades de criminalística da Polícia Federal no Brasil. 2021. 72f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Rodrigues, Flávio Leite
Public security is an area of increasing importance in Brazil. Society requires that the
public resources applied be managed more efficiently and effectively. Criminalistics is
an integral and vital part of the Brazilian public security system and requires new
management tools that allow the better allocation of human resources, equipment, and
facilities. Faced with a challenging scenario with budgetary constraints in several areas
in public administration, the search for innovative approaches should be a constant for
the managers of federal forensic sector. The main objective of the research was to
develop a multicriteria decision model to evaluate the operational viability of the
forensic units of the Federal Police. The framework used produced a multicriteria
model to support the decision that used the Best-Worst Method (BWM) to obtain the
values of the scale constants of the criteria used, while the ordering of the forensic
units was performed by applying the R-TOPSIS method, which uses a new approach
to avoid the ranking reversal problem. The proposed hybrid model allowed the ordering
of 23 forensic units of the Federal Police existing in the cities of the interior of Brazil.
Among the last positions in the ranking, it was possible to recommend the closure of
three units and agglutination of two others. The sensitivity analysis performed imposed
variations of 10% and 20% in the original values of the scale constants and did not
show abrupt variations in the original positions, confirming the robustness of the
proposed solution. It is concluded that the model allowed an optimization of resources
in the forensic units without compromising the quality of the services provided to