Objetos de aprendizagem e alfabetização: a proposição de um encontro
2011-02-01Registro en:
GALLO, Patricia. Objetos de aprendizagem e alfabetização: a proposição de um encontro. 2011. 182 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2011.
Gallo, Patricia
This study investigates the development of Learning Objects for the literacy of children. It aims to
know based in the notion of literacy teachers the main factors of academic failure in literacy and
researching in Brazil, as well as identify relevant activities in the literacy process of children to
support the creation of a set of Learning Objects. Refers to an exploratory research, which is
configured as a qualitative nature case study, inspired in part in an action-research described by
Thiollent (2003), conducted with ten early grades elementary school teachers of a public municipal
school in Parnamirim / RN. As methodological options for data collection uses questionnaires and
focuses on the group of teachers, analyzing the data, referring back to the ideas by Szymanski
(2001; 2008) and content analysis, guided by Bardin (2002). The development of Learning Objects,
follows the steps of development suggested by Garrett (2000). Rules in its multidisciplinary
theoretical reference and promotes a conceptual dialogue on: Literacy; Literacy School Failure;
Pedagogical Practice in Literacy; Thoughts and Language; Multimedia and Hypermedia; Learning
Objects. Perceives that the act of education in literacy as an act of love, courage and social
interaction between individuals - educator and pupil, so there is ownership of the object of
knowledge in the relations with the world and with the experience, through a pedagogical practice
that assumes all different knowledges, the moral political ideal, the mindsets of the students, and
can make use of teaching materials that supports the learning process and are consistent with the
educational objectives (FREIRE, 1998; FREINET, 1976; VYGOTSKY, 1998; FERREIRO AND
TEBEROSKY, 1985; JONASSEN, 2000; WILEY, 2001). Figures out, through the teachers'
opinions, five reasons for school failure in literacy, three inside the school environment: teacher;
academic assistant and principal; student, and two outside the school environment: parents/family;
government and public management. Presents a set of Learning Objects, based on the constructivist
thought, developed from the identification of activities considered relevant by teachers in literacy's
teaching and learning process. Suggests the use of Learning Objects as pedagogical practice in
literacy as a digital resource that supports learning and can trigger important cognitive processes for
the acquisition of reading and writing skills in the school environment