dc.contributorAlmeida, Marcos Antonio Dias de
dc.contributorAlmeida, Marcos Antonio Dias de
dc.contributorOliveira, Arrhenius Vinicius da Costa
dc.contributorPimentel Filho, Max Chianca
dc.creatorSilva, Fagner Oliveira da
dc.identifierSilva, Fagner Oliveira da.Estudo de proteção de uma subestação plena com geração distribuída, conectada na baixa tensão, envolvendo usina fotovoltaica. 2021. 100f. Monografia (Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Natal, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe restructuring of the electricity system in several countries, including Brazil, brought new challenges to the electricity distribution system. A new alternative, which has become a trend in recent years, has been distributed generation (DG), whose system is characterized by the installation of small generators close to the final consumer. The correct performance of the protection scheme plays a vital role in detecting and isolating short circuits, preventing and limiting defects. Correct performance means that abnormally operated equipment or circuits will stop working in the shortest possible time. In this sense, the objective is to develop a protection project for a distributed generation system, involving photovoltaic cells in a full substation. In addition to using the bibliographic review methodological procedure, a case study was presented for a full substation, in which the power, short circuit, protection and selectivity analyzes necessary for the implementation of a photovoltaic system are presented. It is concluded, through the obtained results, that there are benefits in the use of the photovoltaic system, such as reduction of losses by transmission, reduction of expenses with energy, less environmental impact and useful life of the system above 25 years.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEngenharia Elétrica
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectRedes de distribuição
dc.subjectGeração distribuída
dc.subjectSistema fotovoltaico
dc.subjectProteção de subestação
dc.titleEstudo de proteção de uma subestação plena com geração distribuída, conectada na baixa tensão, envolvendo usina fotovoltaica

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