Acessibilidade em documentos digitais: criação de vídeos tutoriais para auxiliar profissionais que trabalham com adaptação de conteúdo digital
2020-12-30Registro en:
TRINDADE, Sidney Soares. Acessibilidade em documentos digitais: criação de vídeos tutoriais para auxiliar profissionais que trabalham com adaptação de conteúdo digital. 2020. 79f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Inovação em Tecnologias Educacionais) - Instituto Metrópole Digital, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Trindade, Sidney Soares
This work aims to promote the training of human resources at the Federal University
of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN through tutorial videos focused on the production of
digital documents accessible to people with visual impairments. A series of eight
tutorial videos was produced with a direct approach to the main points that hinder the
production of this type of document. It is a documentary and applied research, divided
into three distinct stages: The first stage, consists of defining the standards that best
suit the needs of people with visual impairments. These definitions took into account
mainly the autonomy of these people, aiming at a better understanding of the contents
presented in the digital materials. The second stage involves the production of a series
of eight tutorial videos. The third stage, comprises the validation phase. The
documents were validated by four sectors of UFRN that work with the production of
accessible digital documents. The final product, a series of tutorial videos, will serve
as reference material for those who wish to create accessible digital documents.