Matriz de risco aplicada a obras de esgotamento sanitário
2021-04-22Registro en:
FREIRE, Lídia Ferreira. Matriz de risco aplicada a obras de esgotamento sanitário. 2021. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020..
Freire, Lídia Ferreira
The Risk Matrix as a requirement of Law No. 13.303/2016 and as a risk management tool linked to engineering works and services, has in this work, its use contextualized in sanitary sewage works. Such contextualization is based on the need to study the implications caused by the risks when the matrix is not properly prepared and/or its management is inadequate. This study presents a critical, qualitative and quantitative analysis based on the PMBOK® (2017) project management knowledge guide, being a case study of a risk matrix published in a bid notice of the Companhia Espirito Santense de Saneamento (CESAN), and correlates the relevant innovations to the bidding process regulated by the retro-referenced legislation and concerning this work, such as the provision of semi-integrated and integrated contracting modalities. From the analysis of the object of study, some flaws were found in the matrix prepared by CESAN, configuring themselves as points of weakness that can lead to the embargo of the bidding, it was also observed the impacts arising from the risks allocated to the contractor and the possible implications of such impacts on the possibility of entering into additives to the contract, as well as probable budgetary implications susceptible to the company competing in the bidding process and the overall risk of the project. Therefore, it can be concluded that the preparation and proper analysis of the risk matrix can reduce the possibility of additives, favoring the fulfillment of the initial budget, as well as allowing the composition of a financial contingency reserve, without compromising the contractor's profit provided that the risks are analyzed and considered carefully.