Trabalhadores rurais e previdência social: uma avaliação da implementação do benefício de aposentadoria rural no Território Potengi
2020-12-22Registration in:
GOMES, Marcleane. Trabalhadores rurais e previdência social: uma avaliação da implementação do benefício de aposentadoria rural no Território Potengi. 2020. 126f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Gomes, Marcleane
In Brazil, the public debate concerning Social Security is always grounded in an emphasis on
economic issues. Little is said about the maintenance of social protection, the primary function
of social security, despite the evidence of its impact on territorial economic development caused
by the distribution of income through the payment of the retirement pension to rural workers.
Therefore, to understand how rural workers can have access to the retirement pension, this paper
aims to evaluate the implementation of the rural social retirement pension in the Rural Territory
of Citizenship of Potengi in the State of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, from 2014 to 2018. As a
methodology, a theoretical dimension, concerning the history of social security in Brazil and
its normative history was written, and also an empirical aspect, with field research to assess the
implementation of the rural retirement pension in the Potengi Territory, based on the
methodological approach developed by Sônia Draibe (2001). As a result, the research revealed
that the implementation of the rural retirement pension in the Potengi Territory obtains a
satisfactory evaluation of effectiveness.