dc.contributorSobreira, Maura Vanessa
dc.contributorOliveira, Ana Luiza de Oliveira e
dc.contributorDantas, Sebastião Caio dos Santos
dc.creatorBezerra, Rayanne da Silva
dc.identifierBEZERRA, Rayanne da Silva. Projeto de intervenção local (PIL): oficinas de educação permanente com ênfase na implantação do acolhimento à demanda espontânea na atenção básica. Orientadora: Maura Vanessa Sobreira. 2019. 42 f. Monografia (Especialização) - Curso de Residência Multiprofissional em Atenção Básica, Universidade Federal Rio Grande Norte, Caicó, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe basic health is the preferred gateway to the Health Unic System, as it has a privileged space for managing people's care and fulfills a strategic role in the Health Care Network, serving as a basis. for its ordering and for the realization of completeness. Therefore, it is necessary that the AB has high resolution, with clinical and care capacity and incorporation of light, mild hard and hard technologies (diagnostic and therapeutic), in addition to articulation with other points of the Health Care Network. The establishment of mechanisms that assure user accessibility and acceptance presupposes a logic of organization and functioning of the health services that assumes that the Basic Health Unit should receive and listen to all people who seek their services, universal way and without excluding differentiations. The need to build this work began during the experience in the rotation of the Health Care axis of the Multiprofessional Basic Care Residency at Seridó Regional Hospital - Telecila Freitas Fontes in 2019. During this period, the Reception With Risk Classification in place, and this process made it possible to characterize the demand from the services bulletins, exposing that during the first six months of implementation, of the 34.951 users served in this period, being 90,4% residents Of the municipality of Caicó, 36,3% were classified as blue, 44,9% as green, corresponding to 81,2% of demands that could be met by Basic Care. The objective is to support the implementation of the reception of spontaneous demand in Primary Care in the city of Caicó/RN through a Local Intervention Project (PIL), under the logic of Permanent Health Education. The PIL is a working tool used to organize actions and make decisions in order to achieve intended objectives. It can be said that the project is an organized action that must respond to one or more needs implicit in the cause on which the intervention will focus, that is, it is an objective and focused proposal to solve problems of reality. Two workshops will be held in each Basic Health Unit in the city of Caicó / RN, with all professionals of the health team. Thus, they will be structured in stages considering their objectives to be achieved, and will have an interval of 15 days between them to perform a microintervention in the service. The implementation of the reception of spontaneous demand in Basic Care stimulates changes in the work process, in the way of caring and needs the willingness of all actors involved in this movement, SUS professionals, managers and users, aiming at consolidation of the principles of equity, universality and completeness.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherResidência Multiprofissional em Atenção Básica
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectAtenção básica
dc.subjectEducação permanente em saúde
dc.subjectBasic care
dc.subjectPermanent health education
dc.titleProjeto de Intervenção Local (PIL): oficinas de educação permanente com enfâse na implantação do acolhimento à demanda espontânea na atenção básica

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