O uso do termoscópio e da contextualização histórica na criação e aplicação de uma unidade didática para o ensino de termometria
2017-12-07Registro en:
SILVA, Jeany Eunice da. O uso do termoscópio e da contextualização histórica na criação e aplicação de uma unidade didática para o ensino de termometria. 2017. 127f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências Naturais e Matemática) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Silva, Jeany Eunice da
Over the last decades the area of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) has been
considered as an important tool in the teaching of physics, as evidenced in specialized
literature in Science Education area. Despite the increase in these publications, the direct
relationship with basic education is still restricted, the "how to do it" still limits direct actions
that may in fact influence the construction of knowledge in physics teaching. The present
work was developed with the objective of constructing, applying and evaluating a didactic
sequence based on historical elements and the use of the thermoscope. The theme chosen was
the teaching of thermal physics, with the reproduction and the exploration of the thermoscope,
a qualitative instrumentto measure heat, used by many scholars since the fifth century b.C.
and which became important equipment in the process of constructing today's concepts of
heat and temperature. The use of experiments with historical value can help to bring the
student closer to physics, contributing both to the historical contextualization of knowledge
and to the learning of concepts. This educational product uses the three pedagogical moments
(initial questioning, organization of knowledge and application of knowledge) and is
composed of three models of thermocoscopes, constructed with materials of easy access; three
texts, two being produced by us and one adapted; one script for the teacher; and one
attachment questionnaire for the student. The product was applied in the second level of high
school of a public school in the city of Natal/RN. The results indicate that the use of the
thermoscope and of the HPS was considered a positive approach and generated moments of
investigation, confrontation of ideas, reflection and argumentation on the part of the students,
allowing them to perceive that their knowledge can be restricted to a certain extent and that it
is necessary to deepen or reorganize the knowledge, restructuring the thinking.