Violência contra a mulher, o Teatro do Oprimido e o Teatro das Oprimidas: construindo formas de intervenção social
2021-12-03Registration in:
BARBOSA, Renata Cibelli Freire. Violência contra a mulher, o Teatro do Oprimido e o Teatro das Oprimidas: construindo formas de intervenção social. 2021. 145f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Barbosa, Renata Cibelli Freire
Among the types of gender violence, violence against women is the most frequent in the
Brazilian context. This happens despite regulatory advances, the creation of mechanisms to
curb domestic and family violence against women and the establishment of measures for
the prevention, assistance and protection of women in situations of violence. Through the
domination-exploitation-oppression scheme, cysheteropatriarchy exerts a great influence
on women’s life, especially on those in poverty. The Theater of the Oppressed is an
emancipatory and alternative device that proposes to question aspects of collectivity.
Through TO, the purpose is to understand the mechanisms by which an oppression is
produced, the discovery of tactics and strategies to avoid it and the rehearsal of these
practices. From the association of these two elements and in search of the construction of
liberating, creative and dialogic means to debate violence against women, this research was
born. The study intends to analyze the Theater of the Oppressed as a form of social
intervention in cases of violence against women, as well as to evaluate a methodological
work proposal based on the method of the Theater of the Oppressed, to characterize and
analyze the challenges of acting with Theater of the Oppressed nowadays and to identify
the strategies for guaranteeing the fundamentals of the Theater of the Oppressed. Six
women, jokers, working in TO are part of this research. The collection procedures and
instruments used were the evaluation of an intervention planning aimed at women and
semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the Theater of the Oppressed has its
importance in the debate about oppression, but they point out the relevance of the Feminist
Theater of the Oppressed as a way to discuss the consubstantiality of gender, race and
class. It is a new methodology, designed to address specificities of women's oppression,
without losing sight of the totality, the social context in which they operate. Both
methodologies, the Theater of the Oppressed and the Feminist Theater of the Oppressed, were highlighted as means of reaching self-awareness and understanding the oppressions
present in the lives of subjects and the macrostructure that sustains these oppressions.
Furthermore, they were pointed out as paths towards the transformation of both private life
and social context.