Diagnóstico do sistema de esgotamento sanitário de municípios do Rio Grande do Norte
2020-12-04Registro en:
HOMRICH, Bianca de Souto. Diagnóstico do sistema de esgotamento sanitário de municípios do Rio Grande do Norte. 2020. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Homrich, Bianca de Souto
The National Politic of Basic Sanitation (Act nº 11.445/2007) and the new regulatory framework of basic sanitation in Brazil (Act nº 14.026/2020) establish in their fundamental principles the universalization of access and the effective service provision of sanitation. Among the axes of basic sanitation, the sewage treatment is one of the services that need more studies and proposition for forwarding solutions. The percentage of Brazilian urban population who has access to sewage management is 61%, while in the northeast region the percentage is only 43%. Thus, this work propose aims to characterize the sewage treatment system of 84 municipalities from Rio Grande do Norte state, intended to build a overview that allows the evaluation of the current operating status in the whole state area, checking the percentage of collected and treated sanitary sewage, the way it is collected, the adopted process of treatment in each sewage treatment plant and the chosen final disposal. The area of study is composed by the municipalities included in the research project: “Research on profile and municipal socioeconomic and sanitary diagnosis - Training and technical support for the elaboration of municipal basic sanitation plans of municipalities in the RN” from an agreement between the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and National Health Foundation (FUNASA). To the research were used primary and secondary data, obtained by the team from the mentioned research project, the executive committees of the municipal basic sanitation plans of municipalities included in the research project, the water and sewage company of Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN), some Autonomous Service of Water and Sewer (SAAE) and from the National System of sanitation information (SNIS). The collected data were compiled and used to elaborate maps that illustrate the situation of the sewage treatment systems in each of the 84 municipalities and present a overview of the current condition of sewage treatment in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Hence, it was possible conclude that advances are needed in the implementation of sewage treatment systems and in the maintenance of existing systems. The analyzed situation prove the importance of the elaboration of Municipal Basic Sanitation Plans, that contemplate not only the diagnosis about the sewage treatment current situation in the municipality, but also subsidize the planning of basic sanitation to a twenty years period.