in2job - Microambiente de Inovação Virtual (MI-V): 120 horas para ir de uma ideia incipiente a um MVP inovador
2018-07-23Registro en:
IBIAPINA, Janayna Cruz. in2job - Microambiente de Inovação Virtual (MI-V): 120 horas para ir de uma ideia incipiente a um MVP inovador. 2018. 72f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação) - Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Ibiapina, Janayna Cruz
The Brazil is known, among other aspects, to have a creative people. However, not all
this creativity is applied to generate innovation, considering that for innovation is
necessary to have the implementation of invention (technology), and considering that,
even in many areas, the entrepreneurial creativity is underutilized to give more space to
the exclusively logical and rational thinking. All this can be proved by analyzing the
destination of the inventions created within the academic sector, where the researches,
mostly, have as destiny the publication of articles; to analyze the startups that are being
created, which mostly are without scientific basis; and to analyze the way of acting of
some researchers and managers, who disregard the creative thinking entrepreneur in their
actions. That way, there is, on a side, the isolated science of entrepreneurship and, in the
other, the entrepreneurship isolated of science. So, how to boost the generation of
innovation? Aiming to make possible a capable way to generate innovation, the research
centered on creation of an environment able of uniting those two spheres, transforming
academic environments in entrepreneurs and leading scientific basis for environments
purely entrepreneurs, inserting the entrepreneurial creativity on the way of thinking and
acting of people inserted on this medium. This is the Microenvironment of Innovation –
Virtual (MI-V), a virtual environment able to transform incipient projects at a Minimum
Viable Product (MVP) innovative in 120 hours. Developed by startup in2job in
association with the respective advisor, Gláucio Brandão, the MI-V uses design
methodologies and knowledge of business (administration and economy) for the
generation of innovative technologies. The MI-V is anchored in the methodologies Think
And Do (TAD), Crossed Advice (CA), in TechnoCommodity (TC) and in the Layers and
was applied in the Incubator of Academic, Scientific and Technologic Processes Applied
of the School of Sciences and Technology (inPACTA) with the students in the
Professional Master of Sciences, Technology and Innovation (MPI) of the School of
Sciences and Technology (ECT), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).
As result of the research there is the creation of MI-V Manuals, which are a compilation
of the developed methodology. Although the MI-V have been applied to the projects
linked to the inPACTA, it is about a new proposal of Business Design generator of MVP,
which can be replicated in various environments (academia, business, incubators,
accelerators etc.), because, believing in the principle that the products are reflections of
the moulds, the MI-V have to be scalable and replicable, as the startups. The MI-V will
continue to be research object during the doctorate in the Universidade Europeia.