O perfil do Bibliotecário escolar: um estudo de caso na Biblioteca Visconde de Sbugosa do NEI-CAp/UFRN
2019-12-04Registro en:
MEDEIROS, Raílla Glenda. O perfil do Bibliotecário Escolar: um estudo de caso na Biblioteca Visconde de Sabugosa do NEI-CAp/UFRN. 2019. 73f. Monografia (Graduação em Biblioteconomia) - Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Medeiros, Raílla Glenda
This study seeks to analyze the profile of a school librarian. It aims, in general, to list the competences inherent to the performance of this professional with a focus on the librarian who works in the Visconde de Sabugosa Library of NEI-CAp/UFRN (Center for Early Childhood Education). It aims, in a specific way, to discuss about some public policies focused on school libraries, to analyze the competencies that can help librarians work in school libraries, as well as to analyze the profile of the librarian who works in that library. To develop the research it was necessary to build a literature review in the area, as well as conduct a case study to analyze the competencies required of the School Librarian. According to the course of the research it is concluded that there is a profile for professionals who work in school units and that this discussion is based on the importance of listing the skills needed to promote greater quality in the services offered in these information units in view of the importance that the librarian carries as an agent of social transformation.