Taxa de desemprego, emprego formal e informal no Brasil: 2002 - 2014
2016-06-02Registro en:
MATOS, Amanda Gabriella de Souza. Taxa de desemprego, emprego formal e informal no Brasill: 2002 - 2014. 2016. 49 f. Monografia (Bacharelado) - Curso de Economia, Departamento de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Matos, Amanda Gabriella de Souza
In the period extending from 2002 to 2014, i.e. during the Lula and Dilma governments, there was a sharp reduction in the unemployment rate in all indicators that aims to assess the trajectory of the labor market in Brazil. However, as Brazil has a large informal sector, this drop in the unemployment rate may have been followed by a high precariousness and increased informality in the labor market. The objective of this study is to see if this factor occurred in the Brazilian economy. For this part of the following research question: the reduction in the unemployment rate in Brazil occurred concomitantly with the increase in informal employment? The research hypothesis is that there was a reduction of the informal economy in Brazil, however, there are other factors contributing to reduce informality in the country. The research methodology is descriptive, qualitative and quantitative in order to analyze the formality and informality indicators in Brazil that can contribute to a more detailed response from the labor market developments in the country over the past two decades.