O enigma do fetichismo da mercadoria: análise a partir de o capital de Karl Marx
2019-11-27Registro en:
ROCHA, Miliane Pinheiro da. O enigma do fetichismo da mercadoria: análise a partir de O Capital de Karl Marx. 2019. 81f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Natal, RN, 2019.
Rocha, Miliane Pinheiro da
This monograph is a bibliographical research with a qualitative approach. The object of study of this work was the analysis of Karl Marx on the "Fetishism of Merchandise", in the work The Capital. The studies carried out in this work sought to reach the general objective of analyzing how Karl Marx presents, in Capital, the Fetishism of Merchandise. For this, three specific objectives were developed. The first involved the making of a biography of Karl Marx; the second dealt with a historical and theoretical contextualization of the construction of O Capital, considering the importance of this work for the author's career and mainly because the object of study of this research is inserted in it; The third explained how Marx analyzes the category of “Commodity Fetishism” in this work. Above all, this work aimed to contribute to the discussion and apprehension of the central role of the commodity in societies in which the capitalist mode of production (MPC) predominates, and especially of the fetishist character, which the commodities assume by not objectively expressing more than their values exchange.