dc.contributorBatista, Halcima Melo
dc.contributorBatista, Halcima Melo
dc.contributorOliveira, Edmilson Jovino de
dc.contributorVieira, Luís Manuel Esteves da Rocha
dc.creatorDantas, Carla Firmino
dc.identifierDANTAS, Carla Firmino. Governo digital: oferta de serviços digitais do Governo Federal disponibilizados no portal Gov.BR. 2022. 52f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
dc.description.abstractThe present research aims to verify the Federal Government's digital transformation through the offer of digital services on the Gov.BR portal and the possible easier access to its information by citizens and institutions. According to the principle of legality, which is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, the legal foundation that bases the transformation of the Brazilian digital government through information technology was specified. Regarding the methodology, the study is characterized as descriptive. The approach to the problem is qualitative, observing the legal content and the analysis of the transformation of the Digital Government and the offer of services in the federal portal Gov.BR. The classification of technical procedures are: documentary and bibliographic. In 2021, the Gov.BR platform had 20 million users; 4,900 services were offered by the government, of which more than 3,600 were digitized, representing 73%. The users of the portal are: citizens, other segments (NGOs, social organizations etc.), companies, public bodies and entities and public servants. The evolution of processes and improvement in the quality of the public service offered to users becomes faster, simpler, agile and less bureaucratic. However, there is difficulty in the digital inclusion of the Brazilian population, either because of the lack of access to devices such as computers, tablets and cell phones, as well as access to the global computer network, making access to digital services difficult.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherCiências Contábeis
dc.publisherDepartamento de Ciências Contábeis
dc.subjectGoverno digital
dc.subjectServiços digitais
dc.subjectPortal Gov.BR
dc.subjectDigital government
dc.subjectDigtal services
dc.subjectGov.BR portal
dc.titleGoverno digital: oferta de serviços digitais do Governo Federal disponibilizados no portal Gov.BR

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