O papel dos recursos regulando a dominância de gêneros de cianobactérias em reservatórios do semiárido tropical
2019-03-25Registro en:
VANDERLEY, Rayane Fernandes. O papel dos recursos regulando a dominância de gêneros de cianobactérias em reservatórios do semiárido tropical. 2019. 31f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia) - Centro de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Vanderley, Rayane Fernandes
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms have been long recognized as one of the most severe problems
in freshwater systems. Recently, their frequency and duration have been increasing. This is the
scenario for many semiarid reservoirs in Brazil that face persistent cyanobacterial blooms. The
drivers regulating persistent cyanobacterial blooms are still poorly understood and comprehend them is crucial to the development of strategies to improve water quality. In light of this,
we aim to elucidate the drivers of cyanobacteria dominance; evaluate the effect of drought
and differ environmental preferences of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis
aeruginosa. We analysed chemical, physical and biological parameters from six reservoirs
located in the semi-arid region from Brazil and created a “Cylinder abudance index” to access
environmental preferences of the two most representatives species. Eutrophic semiarid reservoirs are more susceptible to persistent cyanobacteria bloom. Nitrogen and phosphorus favoured
Cylindrospermopsis and Microcystis dominance, but light seems to be the factor regulating the
switch between them. Drought negatively influenced total phosphorous and phytoplankton biomass. Our results suggest eutrophication in semiarid environments may lead to persistent dominance of cyanobacteria, still, other factors as physical could drive the temporal change of specie. Drought can potencialize persistent dominance due to interfere in the availability of resources.