Eficiência da sílica bimodal como adsorvente do dióxido de carbono para o tratamento do gás natural
2020-06-09Registro en:
CARVALHO, Fabíola Correia de. Eficiência da sílica bimodal como adsorvente do dióxido de carbono para o tratamento do gás natural. 2020. 98f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência e Engenharia de Petróleo) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Carvalho, Fabíola Correia de
The production of Natural Gas (NG) in Brazil has shown a significant increase in the
years, mainly with the operations of the pre-salt platforms. However, pre-salt NG presents
a technical and economic challenge due to the presence of contaminants in the gas, mainly
CO2, since it has a higher concentration, with reserves that provide more than 70%,
requiring different technological solutions. Thus, the development of technologies and
materials that capture CO2 and that present the best cost-benefit ratio is of great
importance in the Oil industry. New technologies using materials that capture CO2 have
been efficient in relation to conventional processes, lower costs and ease of preparation,
as an adsorbent on silica bases. Therefore, in this work, a hybrid adsorbent of mesomacroporous silica was synthesized for CO2 adsorption of NG, being promising for use
in natural gas treatment systems, as it has specific textural properties for the capture and
storage of this gas. The adsorbent was established from silica, by the hydrothermal
method, and improved by the techniques of X-ray diffraction, lifting electron microscopy
and specific surface area by the BET method. The adsorption capacity tests were
performed for CO2, methane (CH4) and their mixtures, in a magnetic suspension
microbalance, characterized that the adsorbent was selective for CO2 and obtaining a good
adsorption capacity (9.10 mmol.g- 1). The experimental values obtained were compared and adjusted to the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Thus, the hybrid silica adsorbent developed in the research proved to be excellent for CO2 adsorption and not for CH4, being a promising material for the treatment of NG.