dc.contributorNascimento Neto, Joel Araújo
dc.contributorSilva Filho, José Neres da
dc.contributorMedeiros, Klaus André de Sousa
dc.creatorLima, Gabriel Cunha de Figueiredo
dc.identifierLIMA, Gabriel Cunha de Figueiredo. Avaliação de modelos computacionais para análise de paredes de contraventamento de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural. 2021. 77 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research program was to evaluate various methods of computational modeling of bracing walls in structural masonry. With the technological advance and in order to optimize the dimensioning of structural walls, groups of structural masonry walls of a real building were computationally modeled by three different main methods. For each of these methods, variations were made with the objective of evaluating the capacity of each model to represent in a more adequate way the behavior of the bracing walls. The analysis of the results were based in the comparison of the horizontal displacements at the floors’ level, as well as the diagrams of bending moment and shear force on the walls. The results indicated that the way the flanges are considered in the model significantly alters not only the stiffness, but the internal distribution of the internal forces in the bracing walls.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectModelagem computacional
dc.subjectAlvenaria estrutural
dc.subjectParedes de contraventamento
dc.titleAvaliação de modelos computacionais para análise de paredes de contraventamento de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural

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