Finanças comportamentais: um estudo da relação entre vieses comportamentais e área de formação
2022-02-18Registro en:
COSTA JUNIOR, Cícero Nicácio da. Finanças comportamentais: um estudo da relação entre vieses comportamentais e área de formação. 2022. 46f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Costa Júnior, Cícero Nicácio da
The present work aims, within behavioral finance, to analyze the relationship between the area of education of individuals and the propensity to behavioral biases of the Perspective Theory. To this end, an adaptation of the questionnaire developed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979) was applied with socioeconomic questions to identify the respondent profiles and 13 questions in which individuals should make decisions about the prospects presented related to the Certainty, Reflection and Isolation effects. The form was sent, through the Superintendence of Informatics, to the e-mail of all students and employees of UFRN and a total of 2,101 forms were answered. The results indicate the existence of certainty, reflection and isolation effects in the sample studied, and through the chi-square test it can be verified that there is an influence of the academic center (area of training) and the performance in the financial area on the frequencies of prospects.