O fator da previdência: uma avaliação atuarial
2015-12-04Registro en:
SILVA, Daniela Wilyana Arantes da. O fator da previdência: uma avaliação atuarial. 2015. 74 f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Atuariais) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Departamento de Ciências Atuariais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. 2015.
Silva, Daniela Wilyana Arantes da
This research aims to disseminate information about the Social Security factor, from the proposed reform of social security system, through Constitutional Amendment N. 20/1998, and its equilibration on the actuarial balance of public security, in a general context and directing the foundation for the creation of the reduction index based on Statutory Law N. 9.876 of November 26, 1999. It will use the deductive method in order to study the development around of the theme treatise from the provisions of the Higher Law, that predates the reform, converging to the detail aspect from the methodology. The object of study is the understanding of the calculation as well as the cases of incidence and no incidence of the factor, based on law and previous discussion at public hearings for this purpose. It is extremely important understanding the concerning of the applicability of the gear unit to the employee has the knowledge not only of the calculation itself, but the influence of the multiplier in relation to its decision about the choice of premature retirement.