"As travas de jardim são unidas": etnografia da performance identitária das travestis em contextos rurais e interioranos do sertão potiguar
2020-11-25Registro en:
PAIVA, Pietra Conceição Azevedo da Silva. "As travas de jardim são unidas": etnografia da performance identitária das travestis em contextos rurais e interioranos do sertão potiguar. 2020. 117f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Paiva, Pietra Conceição Azevedo da Silva
Research on travestilidades is mainly presented in urban and metropolitan locus for the identity
performance of travestis, with little knowledge of performance in other contexts, such as rural
and inland cities. By ethnographic route, I followed five travestis between February and
September 2019 in a rural/interior municipality in the hinterland of Rio Grande do Norte with
some intervals, seeking to problematize and understand how they perform their gender
identities and build their bodies and subjectivities. For this, I reflected on the fluidity and
decentralization of these identity performances in the handling of symbols, forms of treatment
and the spaces that are generated; and I analyzed, in the scope of otherness, the social visibilities
and sociability built/present in the observed daily lives, based on the social markers difference
of class, disability, generation and race. In one hand, we understand the agencies and diversity
involved in travestilidades, corroborating the expansion of the mosaic and kaleidoscope of
Brazilian and northeastern travestilidades, and highlighting the heterogeneity based on the
different markers of subjectivation and displacement. On the other hand, the Northeast and its
[rural] inland cities are demystified as “backward” and locus of conservative and repressive
morality, and the geometry of spaces is problematized, which socioculturally propagates and
defends the hierarchy of the “civilized” urban/metropolitan over the “primitive” rural/inland
cities, claiming the recognition of cities as places of transit, where urban or rural municipalities
are interconnected by multilateral displacements, calling into question the essentialization and
binary nature of the rural, urban, inland cities and metropolis.