Ocorrência de achados radiográficos em pacientes pediátricos
2019-06-18Registro en:
LUCAS, Phiscianny Yashmin Xavier. Ocorrência de achados radiográficos em pacientes pediátricos. 2019. 53 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Odontologia) - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Lucas, Phiscianny Yashmin Xavier
INTRODUCTION: Panoramic radiography allows the dentist to better visualize the structures that make up the dentomaxillofacial complex, in order to assist in the diagnosis of pathologies that affect this region. In pediatric dentistry, this test, in addition to being better tolerated by children because it does not require intraoral devices, also represents an important complementary tool in the diagnosis of the changes that occur in the dentomaxillofacial complex. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the imaging findings in panoramic radiographs of pediatric patients. METHODS: A total of 512 digital panoramic radiographs of patients up to 10 years of age, both sexes, belonging to the database of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN were analysed. The dependent variables investigated in the radiographic images were the presence or absence of dental anomalies, dental resorptions and pathological processes affecting maxillary teeth and bones. Observed radiographic findings were associated with sex and age (Chi-square and Fisher's Exact, p≤0.05). RESULTS: 51.4% of the sample of radiographics were male and 48.6% female. Age ranged from 3 to 10 years of age (mean 7.86 years). The most frequent findings were apical bone rarefaction (21.5%), hypodontia (9.2%) and hyperdontia (9.2%). Male subjects had a higher occurrence of hyperdontia (p = 0.003). Children up to 8 years of age presented a higher occurrence of diffuse apical bone rarefaction (p = 0.000), while children above 8 years had a higher occurrence of impacted teeth (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: Hyperdontia, hypodontia and apical bone rarefaction were the most prevalent alterations in patients up to 10 years of age.