Carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados contendo anfotericina B: desenvolvimento, avaliação das propriedades farmacêuticas e estabilidade sob acondicionamento
2018-07-09Registro en:
SANTIAGO, Rosilene Rodrigues. Carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados contendo anfotericina B: desenvolvimento, avaliação das propriedades farmacêuticas e estabilidade sob acondicionamento. 2018. 82f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Santiago, Rosilene Rodrigues
The solid lipid nanoparticles were developed in the 1990s and a new generation of
this system group has been studied in recent years: the nanostructured lipid carriers
(NLC). This nanostructure can improve the vectorization of drugs such as
amphotericin B (AmB). Therefore, this study aimed to develop a NLC containing AmB
and to evaluate their physicochemical and pharmaceutical properties. Initially, preformulation studies were carried out in order to estimate the AmB solubility in
different liquids lipids and the conditions for processing the samples. NLCs
formulated with sesame oil exhibited better results. Moreover, an experimental
design was used to determine the components concentration within the formulation.
The combination of solid/liquid lipid at the 7:3(w/w) ratio and surfactant at 3%(w/v)
concentration was further used. The physicochemical stability of the formulations was
determined based on the particle size, the polydispersity index (PdI), the zeta
potential and the AmB recovery rate. After production, NLC and AmB-NLC was
presented as translucent nanodispersions, white and yellow, respectively. These
samples were analyzed for up to 60 days, when instability was observed. Thus, the
lyophilization process was used to increase their stability. Among the studied
cryoprotectants, maltose showed better results at the concentration of 10% and after
48 hours of lyophilization. Then, the particles were analyzed over 360 days in
accordance with the tests previously described. The lyophilized particles presented
higher particle size, smaller PdI and constant zeta potential. The lyophilizates were
obtained as white (Liof-NLC) and yellow (Liof-AmB-NLC), easily redispersible
powders. The Liof-AmB-NLC presented drug loading rates above 90% during the
analysis time. The differential scanning calorimetry and the X-ray diffraction results
exhibited the state of crystallinity of the particles. The in vitro release profile was
assessed 24 hours after the preparation of the NLC and the best model for fitting the
data was Baker-Lonsdale. Thus, the NLC developed and analyzed in this work can
be an alternative for the treatment of diseases that have AmB as its therapeutic