O ser do sensível como matriz do pensamento: filosofia e arte em Gilles Deleuze
2020-12-17Registro en:
ARAÚJO, André Vinícius Nascimento. O ser do sensível como matriz do pensamento: filosofia e arte em Gilles Deleuze. 2020. 221f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Araújo, André Vinícius Nascimento
We start with the following proposition: in Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy, every Idea is
immediately aesthetic. It is possible to think of an “unmediated” relationship between Ideas
and sensation: sensation is the matrix of thought. Such proposition is supported insofar as
Deleuze extracts from the encounter between philosophy and art a conception of genesis of
thought throught experimentation. Both philosophy and art have their own creative Ideas and
their specific ways of actualizing those Ideas, but both are directly related to the sensibilia or
sensitive qualities. Our intent is to show how philosophy comes to have as indispensable the
capacity that art has of putting us in contact with the differences in the sensible, which
Deleuze calls transcendental empiricism under two fundamental implications: 1) the violence
of involuntary encounters that make our faculties discordant, as a critic to the dogmatic way
of thinking dominated by representation; 2) the philosophical research as a way of learning
that puts the researcher in relationship with elements of a pre-individual vitality. We propose
to divide our work in two stages: a pedagogy of the senses and a pedagogy of the concept. In
the former, we make a genealogy of immanentist philosophical lineage which engenders our
deleuzian concept of being of the sensible and of transcendental empiricism. In the latter, we
investigate the relationships between art and philosophy in their acts of creation.