Marketing digital e a conduta nos jogos online: estudo de caso do Acampamento Yordle no League of Legends
2019-11-18Registro en:
DAMÁSIO, David Willian Pinheiro. Marketing digital e a conduta nos jogos online: estudo de caso do Acampamento Yordle no League of Legends. 2019. 65f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Comunicação Social - Publicidade e Propaganda) - Departamento de Comunicação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Damásio, David Willian Pinheiro
With the advancement of technology in the 2010s and the emergence of the third generation of the internet, the web 3.0, marketing and communication along with its concepts and definitions needed to be adapted to meet the needs of this ever-changing society. With this, several cases and problems in the communicative processes arose. Therefore, we will analyze the second edition of the Brazilian digital marketing campaign “Acampamento Yordle” which aimed to alleviate the toxic behavior of the Brazilian community of the online game League of Legends, one of the most played games in the world. This study seeks to analyze the strategies used in the campaign based on the results obtained through the applied questionnaire, as well as a reflection on these data. About marketing, digital marketing, cyberculture and other concepts, the work will feature the studies approached by Philip Kotler, Martha Gabriel, André Lemos and other thinkers.