Conhecimento e atuação de cirurgiões-dentistas frente à Hipersensibilidade Dentinária Cervical nos serviços público e privado de saúde
2022-02-02Registro en:
SILVA JÚNIOR, César Luis Porpino Santos da. Conhecimento e atuação de cirurgiões-dentistas frente à Hipersensibilidade Dentinária Cervical nos serviços público e privado de saúde. Orientadora: Isana Álvares Ferreira. 2022. 55 f. Monografia (Especialização) - Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Atenção Básica, Escola Multicampi de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Currais Novos, 2022.
Silva Júnior, César Luis Porpino Santos da
The objective of this study was to analyze the knowledge and the performance of dentists regarding Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity (CDH), a disease resulting from biopsychosocial factors, comparing professionals from both private and public (Brazil’s Unified Health System) practice. For this, a questionnaire was sent electronically to dental practitioners registered at Regional Dental Council (CRO-RN), using the Google Forms tool, with questions about their professional profile and clinical practice. After being collected, the data were analyzed and presented in the form of absolute and percentage frequency, also applying the chi-square and Fisher's exact statistical tests with a significance level of 5%. A total of 78 responses were obtained from April to July 2021. Of all the respondents, the predominant profile was female (69.2%), working in SUS (55.1%), with fewer than five years of dental practice (39.7%). Most professionals provide weekly consultations with CDH patients (46.2%), for which friction and biocorrosion were cited as the main etiological factors. For treatment, while most dentists trained more than 15 years ago use the microinvasive approach, the invasive approach showed a statistically significant relationship with those trained a shorter time ago (up to 5 years and from 6 to 15 years) (p=0.040). As for therapeutic interventions, 92.3% of participants reported prescribing toothpaste with a desensitizer (p=0.030). Those who work in SUS already indicate it in the first consultation, while the others prescribe it concomitantly with the treatment in the office (p=0.021). When it comes to professional desensitizers use, most professionals (56.4%) use sodium fluoride 5%, not associating it with another agent (70.5%). In cases where there is a need for restoration, half of the sample uses composite resin as the material of first choice. Among the participants who understand the need for interprofessionality for the management of CDH, dentists working in SUS represented the largest share (58.9%), and the greatest number of referrals were made to the psychologist (15.4%). As the largest difficulty for the treatment of CDH, 50% of dentists listed the control of etiological factors. With the results of this research, it can be seen that dentistry professionals, regardless of their performance in the public or private network, have similarities in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches related to CDH, being partially in accordance with current scientific evidence, but contemplating the complexity of this disease in their clinical practices.