Desenvolvimento de software de visão computacional para avaliação do perfil de jatos oriundos de bicos injetores diesel common rail
2018-08-30Registro en:
MOREIRA FILHO, Antônio Adalberto Cavalcante. Desenvolvimento de software de visão computacional para avaliação do perfil de jatos oriundos de bicos injetores diesel common rail. 2018. 78f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Moreira Filho, Antônio Adalberto Cavalcante
Atomization is a process of high relevance in the combustion efficiency in a
diesel cycle engine and in the emission of pollutant and particulate matter. In order
to meet vehicle emission standards, new technologies have been developed,
among them is the common rail injection system. The reduction of the sulfur content
in petroleum diesel and the addition of biodiesel caused problems in the element
responsible for the atomization of fuel in the combustion chamber: the injector
nozzle. This way, the aim of the present work is to investigate the parameters of
cone angle, penetration and tip velocity, which are possible to be visualized with the
direct capture technique, and to correlate them with the integrity of the nozzle in its
new and after-test conditions. An image processing software was developed, and
images were captured using a high-speed CCD camera i-SPEED 3 for the
evaluation of the atomized jet profile. The injector nozzles were tested with different
fuels on a TM 507-III bench for a period of 60 h. A correlation between the nozzle
needle assembly and its flow rates was observed, as well as differences in the
homogeneity of the jets after the tests, evidenced by the surface condition of the