dc.contributorGuerra, Eliana Costa
dc.contributorOliveira, Iris Maria de
dc.contributorBarros, Ilena Felipe
dc.contributorCarvalho, Alba Maria Pinho de
dc.creatorGalvão, Felipe dos Santos
dc.identifierGALVÃO, Felipe dos Santos. "Ousar lutar, organizando a juventude Pro Projeto Popular": resistência, luta e organização da juventude proletária, o Levante Popular da Juventude em foco. 2015. 216f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe Brazilian crisis on the path of adjustment to financial capitalism, engenders processes with inflections in the dynamics of social reproduction of labor in contemporary Brazilian capitalist society with refutations in the insertion of youth in the world of work. Imposing limits on the living conditions of youth, as well as their organization. The social question becomes increasingly complex, demanding from social subjects strategies of struggle and survival. In a scenario of discouragement, a sharpening of the social question, structural unemployment, growing informality, persistent precarious forms of insertion in work, exacerbated violence, work estrangement, commodity fetishism, especially to young people, Urban and rural, the proletarian youth emerges. In its various expressions and forms of resistance, to rescue the street, with a privileged space of action and demonstration, to claim the historical boldness, characteristic of youth and youth. In the streets, at the same time, expressions of disenchantment and discouragement of young people emerge, to integrate conservative dimensions, evidenced in a frightening way, in the last years, with the consolidation of a neoconservative. New forms of organization are born, expressions of discontent. Faced with the "lack of futurity", in the formulation of Giovani Alves, youths with shattered lives, with instability as a way of life, to move in a universe of uncertainties, to seek in consumption as the major path of insertion in society, to analyze forms Reinvented of resistance, organization and struggle of proletarian youth proves to be a socially relevant theme. This problem is also relevant for the academic field of the Brazilian Social Service. We emphasize the Levante Popular da Juventude - a movement situating in the field of the left, which aims to articulate and politically form young people from the urban and rural milieu, organizing them for the anticapitalist struggle and for the construction of a Popular Project for Brazil. Organization under construction, with a recent history, dating from the beginning of the year 2000, assuming, since 2012, national expression, being present in almost all Brazilian states. We then proceed to a critical and systematic study of the process of formation of the Popular Levant, rescuing elements of its history and social and historical factors to interfere in its configuration, its insertion in the processes of resistance, struggle and political organization Of Brazilian proletarian youth, highlighting contradictions and challenges that permeate their trajectory. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, based on interviews and documentary research, covering the period of 2005, the official year of this organization, to 2015.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCrise Brasileira; Juventude Proletária; Levante Popular da Juventude; Ajuste; Trabalho.
dc.title"Ousar lutar, organizando a juventude Pro Projeto Popular": resistência, luta e organização da juventude proletária, o Levante Popular da Juventude em foco

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