Uma análise do Life Cycle Canvas no engajamento no trabalho de equipes de projeto à luz da Job Demands-Resources Theory
2019-11-26Registro en:
SILVA, Rafael Rodrigues da. Uma análise do Life Cycle Canvas no engajamento no trabalho de equipes de projeto à luz da Job Demands-Resources Theory. 2019. 147f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Silva, Rafael Rodrigues da
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze if the use of the Life Cycle Canvas (LCC) visual project
management model is associated with the project teams engagement in the light of the Job
Demands-Resources Theory (JD-R Theory). According to JD-R Theory, work demands are the
main predictors of burnout syndrome and psychosomatic health problems. On the other hand,
personal and job resources are the most important predictors of job satisfaction, motivation and
engagement. Considering that project teams have high demands, work under pressure, manage
conflicts, deal with high stress levels and rely on various resources to achieve success, this study
seeks to debate the thesis that the benefits provided by using the LCC visual project
management model is associated with job resources that, in turn, positively influence project
team´s job engagement. Thus, an descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted through an
electronic survey with a sample of 98 LCC certified professionals. The survey was conducted
in June 2019 with the support of Google Forms and forwarded to respondents through a
messaging app. Data were collected based on a questionnaire composed of 29 mensured
variables formulated on the basis of other instruments available in the literature to measure
personal resources, job resources and the variables vigor, dedication and absorption of the job
engagement construct used by JD-R Theory. A systematic literature review was also performed
which mapped the personal and job resources related to JD-R Theory studied empirically in the
literature. This mapping served as the basis for conducting empirical research. The collected
data were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistics and Partial Least Squares
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of the measurement model analyzes
validated Hypothesis 1, pointing out that LCC promotes job resources: psychosocial colleague
support, task clarity, performance feedback, professional development opportunities, and
supervisory support. Within the personal resources inherent to the professionals certified in
CCL, there were four resources: self-efficacy, self-esteem, hope, and optimism. The analysis
of the structural model pointed out that both the job resources associated with the LCC and the
personal resources inherent to certified professionals positively influence of job engagement
regarding the vigor, dedication and absorption construct. These results validated the hypotheses
defined in the research and point in line with the literature related to JD-R. Finally, it is
noteworthy that the use of visual project management models, such as LCC, promotes job
resources that can be decisive in team engagement and project success, as well as contributing
to the improvement of individual and organizational performance.