A importância da rotina escolar na Educação Infantil
2017-12-04Registro en:
LUCENA, Rosângela da Rocha. A importância da rotina escolar na Educação Infantil. 2017. 21f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia), Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, São Gonçalo do Amarante, 2017.
Lucena, Rosângela da Rocha
This article aims to reflect on the importance of school routine in Early Childhood Education, considering that the child is inserted in this environment building their social, cultural and learning relationships. The educator should develop his / her pedagogical practices aiming at the school routine as a way to allow the students to perceive that there is a regularity in the schedules of the activities that will be carried out in the school environment. The methodology was the bibliographical research, to know the reality of Early Childhood Education, as well as the school routine, with the instruments of on-site visit and interviews. It is based on the studies of BARBOSA (2006), OLIVEIRA (2012), SEABRA (2010), among others. In order to emphasize the importance of the school routine in Early Childhood Education, it was possible to create an awareness that there are rules in school and must be followed, so children learn to live together through social interactions. It was soon found that the school routine is beneficial for a good performance of the activities to be carried out by the educator, as well as the student.