Prevalência de doença arterial obstrutiva periférica em idosos na cidade de Santa Cruz/RN
2016-12-01Registro en:
MORAIS, Sayonara Nogueira Ferreira. Prevalência de doença arterial obstrutiva periférica em idosos na cidade de Santa Cruz/RN. 2016. 25 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação de Fisioterapia)-Departamento de Fisioterapia, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi, Santa Cruz, 2016.
Morais, Sayonara Nogueira Ferreira
Aim: to evaluate the prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) in
elderly in the city of Santa Cruz/RN. Methods: individuals of both genders, aged between
60 and 80 years registered at the Primary Care Facility of Santa Cruz were invited to
participate of the study. The ankle brachial index (ABI) was collected using a portable
vascular eco Doppler. Clinical and social- demographic information was collected using
and structured evaluation form. Diabetes and arterial hypertension diagnosis were
confirmed by clinical diagnosis and the use of medication for the disease. Data were
collected at FACISA/UFRN. Results: 106 elderly were recruited for the study, 77,36%
females and 22,64% males. Mean age was 68,1±5,08 years. When arterial obstruction
was assessed it was found that 22,64% of the individuals showed ABI <0.9, being most
of them from female gender. Most of the participants were white being 64,15% of the
total sample. The highest prevalence was found on black people with 25%. When risk
factors were assessed we found that 27,58% and 31,03% of the subjects with diabetes
and arterial hypertension diagnosis, respectively, showed ABI < 0.9. Conclusion: among
the sample 21,76% showed ABI < 0.9 indicating the presence of peripheral arterial
occlusion. Intrinsic risk factors found in the study were female gender and black skin.
Besides that, individuals with diabetes and hypertension showed higher prevalence of
occlusion compared to healthy individuals. Thus, assessed risk factors may have direct
inference in the disease prevalence and ABI showed to be efficient on assessing the
presence of PAOD.