Avaliação da remediação de fase livre em um empreendimento de revenda de combustíveis
2018-01-30Registro en:
GALVÃO, Evelyne Nunes de Oliveira. Avaliação da remediação de fase livre em um empreendimento de revenda de combustíveis. 2018. 144f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Engenharia de Petróleo) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Galvão, Evelyne Nunes de Oliveira
The activities involving the management of petroleum origin fuels are inherent to serious
environmental risks when associated with the contact of these products with the environment
by any means of entry, including cracks presents in underground storage tanks for liquid fuels
at gas stations. The present research has the objective of evaluate the Environmental Passive
Investigation carried out at a gas station in the city of Natal (RN), from which the free phase
thicknesses were evaluated in the monitoring wells as a function of pluviometrics indices of the
region and the remediation systems applied by signing a adjustment conduct term between the
entrepreneur and the public ministry, with the purpose of correcting the environmental
liabilities arising from the activities developed by the enterprise. The study area showed
persistence of free phase along 18 consecutive months, during which time a positive response
to the applied remediation technology was associated with the Multiphase Extraction and a
coherent relationship was established between the free phase thickness measured with the
seasonal variation of rainfall, which assumed an inverse proportional relationship. In these
terms, could be assessed that rainfall is a factor that interferes with remediation. The resurgent
free phase detected in 2015 after the remediation work stoppage was associated with possible
new contamination sources or logistical failures in which the last free phase measurements were
given at the end of 2013. After 29 months of remediation in which pumping was carried out,
was verified a fuel recovery product in the order of 2,469.79 liters, conferring the importance
of environmental liabilities in the environment quality preservation proposing effective
mechanisms in the remediation of the impacts caused by economic activities developed at social