dc.contributorLima, Rita de Lourdes de
dc.contributorMoreira, Maria Regina de Avila
dc.contributorInácio, Miriam de Oliveira
dc.contributorSantos, Silvana Mara de Morais dos
dc.creatorLima Sobrinho, Jodeylson Islony de
dc.identifierLIMA SOBRINHO, Jodeylson Islony de. “Construindo hoje, o amanhã desejado”: os Ethe político-profissionais dos/as assistentes sociais – entre rupturas, continuidades e tensões contemporâneas. 2016. 160f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractLearning the professional ethics as a peculiarity of ethical life, we understand that it conforms in a whole articulated in its peculiarities, is under the regulation, philosophy and/or professional ethos. In this way, we objectify with this work, learn and analyze the political and professional ethos of social workers, conceived as the mode of being concrete, permeated by the values and principles (re) produced in professional practice. The theoretical and political efforts here undertaken gain form and content in a context marked by the reordering the objective / subjective conditions of contemporary society, a sense of ethical and political backlash, which demarcates also a (re) configuration of the professional Social Work culture, becoming relevant the theoretical and practical deepening of this reality and its repercussions in political and professional ethos. Outlined the process of grounded research on critical-dialectical perspective, from a qualitative approach, realizing that our object of study is socially and historically determined, and which, in the current context of neoliberalization has suffered direct the aftermaths reordering in the various fields of social life. In the construction process In search of the research we use some theoretical and methodological contributions, among them: bibliographical and documentary research, observation and semi-structured interviews. As the lócus of the research, we opted for two Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the city of Teresina / PI that have the Social Work course, and thus outline the amount of ten (10) subject who were interviewed, distributed as follows: 3 (three) students of each HEI, who were attending the 8th (eighth) period and enrolled in the Required stage (totalizing 6 students) and two (2) stage supervisors of each institution - an academic supervisor and other of academic field - totalizing four (4) internship supervisors. In view of this, we refer ourselves to problematize the relationship between conservative and Marxist thought, learning how to stage triad supervised deals with the Ethical-Political Professional Project in their areas of socio-economic interventions. Thus, outlined the process of grounded research on critical-dialectical perspective, from a qualitative approach, realizing that our object of study is determined socially and historically, and which, in the current context of neoliberalization has suffered repercussions direct the reordering in the various fields of social life, which are: economical, ideological, cultural, legal, political, science, morality, ethics, among many others. In search of the building process we use some theoretical and methodological contributions, including: bibliographic and documentary research, field research, observation, interviews and their analysis of content. As a research lócus, we opted for two Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the city of Teresina / PI that have the Social Work course, and thus outline the amount of ten (10) subject who were interviewed, distributed in: 3 (three) students of each HEI, who were attending the 8th (eighth) period and enrolled in the Required Stage and two (2), stage of supervisors of each institution - an academic supervisor and other academic field - totalizing four (4) supervisors of stage, which enable us to raise the concrete to the abstract, bringing some directions in our synthesis, which is the concrete-thinking of this movement, including that there is a political and professional de ethos antagonistic conflict being made in the intricacies of training and professional practice that converge to two major trends of ethos: one supported in the critical direction of the profession, called ethos human-generic, and the other, based on conservative perspective, we'll call idealistic-formal, which it has been (re) updated in its together, for different and varied directions, only, all rooted in the latter ethos.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEthos político-profissional
dc.subjectServiço social
dc.subjectProjeto Ético-Político Profissional
dc.title“Construindo hoje, o amanhã desejado”: os Ethe político-profissionais dos/as assistentes sociais – entre rupturas, continuidades e tensões contemporâneas

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