dc.contributorHull, Egmar Longo
dc.contributorMagalhães, Adriana Gomes
dc.contributorMoura, Isabelly Cristina Rodrigues Regalado
dc.contributorCarrión, Rocío Palomo
dc.creatorSilva, Marcus Vinícius Amarante da
dc.identifierSILVA, Marcus Vinícius Amarante da. Avaliação da Prontidão Organizacional para Mudança (POM): tradução, adaptação e validação dos dados preliminares para uso no Brasil. 2022. 40f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva - Facisa) - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Organizational readiness for change (POM) is an important and unprecedented initiative in Brazil, which proposes the successful implementation of changes for health services, especially when referring to technological innovations, public policies and health programs. The Organizational Readiness for Change (ORC) instrument uses the most relevant domains for the perception and assessment of professionals' propensity to change, containing 12 domains and 65 items. Objective: translate, adapt and validate preliminary data from the instrument Organizational Readiness for Change - Organizational Readiness for Change (POM) for use in Brazil. Materials and methods: this is a pilot study in which 32 health professionals from Tangará-RN participated. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee and the participants were contacted personally, via email and/or via WhatsApp, informed about the objectives and signed the informed consent, answering the questionnaire via Google Forms. The instrument is self-administered, answered in 20 minutes and will contribute to the realization of other studies that aim to measure the impact of the proposed change in the studied population. The validation of the instrument's preliminary data was based on the analysis of the psychometric characteristics. For test-retest reliability: ICC; and to calculate the internal consistency of the scale: Cronbach's Alpha, using SPSS for data analysis. Results: 32 professionals (71.11%) accepted and responded to the test, and 29 to the retest, with a loss of 3 professionals. Test: 26 women (81.25%) and 6 men (18.75%), mean age of 32.5 years, mean time since graduation of 6.07 years and mean experience in the area of 5.51 years. Retest: 24 women (82.75%) and 5 men (17.25%), mean age of 32.24 years, mean time since graduation of 5.98 years and mean experience in the area of 5.5 years ; Most nurses (37.50%), dentists (18.75%) and social workers (12.50%) participated in the test; in the retest, most nurses (37.94%), dentists (17.24%) and social workers (13.80%) also participated. Regarding reliability, the POM Assessment showed Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.80 in the test and retest. The test-retest ICC was 0.921, a value considered optimal. Conclusions: Preliminary data show that the instrument is valid and reliable for use in Brazilian territory.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSaúde pública
dc.subjectProntidão para mudança
dc.subjectPropriedades psicométricas
dc.titleAvaliação da Prontidão Organizacional para Mudança (POM): tradução, adaptação e validação dos dados preliminares para uso no Brasil

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