Vozes em diálogo no Promil: uma construção discursiva em torno do ser feminino
2018-08-30Registro en:
DINIZ, Magda Renata Marques. Vozes em diálogo no Promil: uma construção discursiva em torno do ser feminino. 2018. 137f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Diniz, Magda Renata Marques
This doctoral dissertation aims to investigate the identity construction of the women who
underwent training during the course entitled Preparador de pescado (Fish Preparation). It was
developed at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte
(Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte) in Macau,
RN, through the Programa Nacional Mulheres Mil (National Program Thousand Women). This
program is part of the set of priorities established by Brazilian public policies especially related
to the central issues of equity promotion, gender equality, the fight against violence against
women, and access to education. Theoretically, this research is established under Contemporary
Applied Linguistics, based on the Bakhtin studies, on cultural studies, and on gender. The
methodological proposal was developed in accordance with the parameters of a qualitativeinterpretative research. The corpus explored came from statements produced by eleven women
enrolled in the course throughout the year of 2016. It was used semi-structured interviews as
well as broadening collective talks in order to have the women sharing their points of view on
what means to be a woman in their contexts. The construction of this identity required, in the
very beginning of the process, individual approaches and singular interviews. In its end, it
required collective conversations and round talks from which the women´s voices functioned
as a fruitful movement of listening. By such procedure, the students involved could make a
connection between their cultural identity background and the new identities that emerged
during the course. As a result, the study showed that the statements shared by the women reflect
and refract part of the female universe in this determined chronotope. The perspectives of these
statements dealt with themselves and the others, as well as society. In a way, it is possible to
say that such identity perceptions can also constantly change, and this constitutes a strong
argument to affirm the thesis that, in this process, the importance of the education reveals a
possibility of social transformation, in such a way that it does promote female autonomy.